In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A hand.

The phrase "my daddy's better than your daddy" has been running through my mind today. :) Sure, your dad is better than mine....but only in YOUR eyes :) Cause, you see, I have the BEST dad! Lol! You could say that's debatable. Eh....debate all ya want....MY dad is the best!!

I've also been thinking about that image (like the one I've posted here) of the strong, calloused, scarred hand of a hard-working dad holding the one of a small child. Much like our heavenly Father does to us that have claimed HIM as our Savior. And every time I think of this picture in my mind, I'm reminded of my dad. The thought of a picture like this brings a smile to my face cause in this picture I see strength, encouragement, will power, determination, safety, kindness, generosity, love and faith.

Each thing I mentioned is something that I've admired in my dad. He's a hero in my eyes. I'm a people watcher...always have been. I wanna see if what you're saying goes along with what you're doing. Never, in all my years of being my dad's daughter, have I seen my dad go contrary to what he's said.

 I've watched him tear apart machines/gadgets, pound nails, gut out a deer, plant a garden, split knuckles, cut off a part of a finger, build amazing pieces of furniture and basically beat the tar out of his hands (figuratively!!). But then on the flip side of that with those same "abused" and worn hands ...I've watched him hug his wife with utmost affection, pat a baby's back with such gentle care, talk like you've never seen someone talk with their hands (!!), encourage a dear saint with a hand on their shoulder, hold a grandkids hand to help them across the street, make the perfect cup of tea :), calmed his daughter down when she was ready to bite heads off (hee, hee),  but most of all.....something I will always carry with watching those hands as they gather the family together to say a prayer before we all head our separate ways or as we are trying to find God's will for our lives and needed someone wiser to pray for us, or as they are raised towards heaven as praise to God for all the wonderful things He has done, or as they are folded at his desk in his morning prayer time.

I'm proud to be his daughter. And I personally think my dad is the best dad a girl could ever have!!

1 comment:

Oils for Life said...

Hi, Gwen!!! I really like your post! Your Dad is a great man! I've been catching up on your blogs and they've made me laugh and made me cry :) I hope things are going well for you and Randy down in sunny FL :) Your kids are growing/grown up and it hardly seems possible! Love you guys!