In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Due to the rat population being crazy on campus this year (I know....disgusting, right?) it has managed to scare Beep half silly. To the point that she won't even sleep in the kids' rooms anymore. She either sleeps on the couch or in our room. Two nights ago she was sleeping with me. Troll had to be up for work before 5 a.m. so he said he'd sleep on the couch so we weren't disturbed. At different times through the night I realized Beep didn't have covers on and the box fan was blowing right on her. I figured she was getting cold so I'd fling the covers on her. I'd wake back up to realize the covers were off so I'd fling them on her again. At one point the covers came flying right back. So thinking she was doing this in her sleep I flung them back on her. She proceeded to fling them back at me! This happened twice and I finally said, need to leave the covers on or you will get sick! She said, "You're throwing them on my face!" LOL!!!

Last night Beep was sound asleep on the couch and we didn't want her to be out there alone so Troll went in to wake up Jelly to see if she'd sleep on the other couch. He said, " need to go sleep on the other couch so Beep is not alone." She said, "Ninininiininininininininini." He laughed and said, " need to get up and go sleep on the couch!" She grinned real big and said, "Ok, sure." There was a few second pause and then she looked at him and said, "What did you say?" LOL!!

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