In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Foot

So.....every one's been asking/wondering about Jet's foot. We have been, too, pretty much!! Exasperation is on a pretty high level with us where her foot is concerned.

4 weeks ago, Troll called her Ortho to ask if they could do something else to get her seen quicker than her Oct. 4th appointment at the specialist who was going to look into giving her Botox shots. They told Troll to give them a few days to think about what they could come up with. Few days later...the Ortho head nurse called back and said that they think the next step would be to see if they could get her into Shriner's quicker than the other specialist. Troll says ok. I said....that was 4 weeks ago. So last week Troll called back up to Ortho. Miss Head nurse basically told Troll that it had been HIS responsibility to call Shriner's to get her seen there. Troll told her it would have been nice to know that and she replied that she had made it perfectly clear!! LOL!! (About as clear as a flea in a puddle of mud!!) Troll tells me this and I said, You know what...I'm tired of it and how Ortho just seems to be fiddle-farting Jet's Pediatrician. (the one who got Ortho to finally consent to an MRI when Ortho wouldn't do it). So Troll calls the Pediatrician. Within 45 min she had called me back and told me a referral/script would be on the front desk with STAT written on it and that we were to call every Neurologist we could find to get her in quicker and if they couldn't get her in before Jet's already scheduled apoint for Oct with the specialist...then to call her back cause she'd go even further.

Due to all the unknown with Issac....allot of offices were closed yesterday. So Troll got a list and started calling people this morning. Lo and behold, one of the neurologists happened to have an opening for 9:30 tomorrow morning!!! Can I hear a "whoop, whooop"!! Why a neurologist? Well....they do Botox shots as well and the Pediatrician said that its the same outcome...just by a diff/quicker avenue :) So....they will check her out tomorrow and get the ball rolling to get her fixed. HOPEFULLY!!! My concern is that now that she has been walking on said foot for 6 months now...and the bend is getting noticeably worse ( to the point of causing her pain now)...that its going to take something more drastic than Botox shots to re straighten her foot. And if that means a surgery/break......OOOOOOO boy!!!! My hubby is going to go postal!!! And we won't even say what ol' momma will do! Could be that Ortho might have their hands full of some very upset parents over their fiddle-farting around.

O....but that's right....I forgot.....Ortho told me it wasn't my right to get upset over my daughter's condition!!!! Do they ever have another thought coming!!!!!

So there ya have it....the latest on the foot :)

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