In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another smile :)

So which one of ya need just one more smile for the day? :) Comin right up!!

The other day, after going thru yet MORE boxes, Troll decided to go thru his books and get rid of doubles, ones he never used and etc. He'd fill a banana box and take it out to the truck and sit it behind it to be loaded and hauled to the thrift store.

I'm not really sure how many boxes he ended up with but it came to a point in the evening where I realized I needed cheese for spaghetti pie and asked if he'd go to the store....and there sat those boxes. Jet had decided to go with him and so out they quietly trooped so that the other kids didn't realize they were leaving (cause that's what you have to do in our house or you get this mass exodus thingy going on that you don't really want!). They get out there only to realize that all those boxes of books were still sitting behind the truck. So Troll, being that "let's get'er done all at once" kinda guy, goes for a stack of boxes and picks them up....

..........(as Jet recounts later) "I hear dad say, 'Oh, NO!' I look down and there his pants were...on the way to the ground in quick fashion. So I quick grab for them. As I'm in the process of pulling them up (ya kno...cause he still had boxes of books in his arms) my hand touched his leg and I thought his boxers had fallen, too, so I let go of his pants while squealing and covering my eyes! ......

LOLOL!!! Now you just have to understand the type of person Jet is and how much she loves to have fun and be sarcastic and is kinda like her mom in that she laughs at things at the drop of the hat cause everything is so funny! To hear her tell this story was priceless cause she did her signature move of throwing her hand to cover her eyes and forehead as she laughed so hard she was crying :) I'm sure I didn't say all that she said and possibly mixed up a comment here and there....but you get the pic! Troll's pants were hitting the ground and she wanted to save him :)

So there ya have it....the other smile you needed to finish your day! :) On a side note....why are there NEVER video cameras around when ya need 'em?!!