In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Brick Wall! as I was in church tonight and prayer requests were being given and I was thinking about our situation and wondering how/when things were going to work out...home, church, pay...I found myself slammed up against a brick wall in my thoughts. You know...that wall where you were totally unprepared for the results of looking into your own life and realizing you were in desperate need of doing better? Here they are....think about it.

If you were paid for being a prayer warrior.....
-would you be living in a mansion, eating nine course meals, surrounded by lucious gardens that made the entire neighborhood, city and surrounding states envious?
-or would you be living in a cardboard box under a bridge, diving in dumpsters for your next meal with the weeds in the cracks of the frequently traveled sidewalks for your "garden"?

Wow!!! Lord, help me to better myself in my prayer life.


A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

Hey Gwen. I remember a time when we were having a very rough time and you told me about going to the pantry and praying for something to fix your kids for supper. You said to trust. Plain and simple. Stand still and let God move, standing still is so hard to do. I have remembered that for so many times when we didn't know which way to go. Praying for you that God will give you a perspective on what His will for you. One thing is for sure, He will never lead you where His grace cannot keep you!! Incidentally, we are moving back to Ohio this June. Maybe we can be!! We are so excited. We really feel that it is time. Found a school really close that teaches Abeka and that in itself is wonderful. So we are packing too. Keep trusting. See ya.

Kara Plank said...

great thought! it can be easy to fall into "stinkin' thinkin',

Boog said...

Wow, Gale! Thats really cool!! didn't know you guys were moving bakc. I'm sure Toms fam will be ecstatic!!