In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Our family has been blessed by a new baby :) We've been looking for a little person to add to our lives to bring some smiles and new life and he is :) He's a Buckeye boy so that makes it even more cool. He is a silver dapple dachshund.

Anyway...thought you might like to see him! Palin isn't so impressed and goes around trying to ignore him! This afternoon she managed to coerce him off our bed...which resulted in a resounding "thump" and "YELP"! Then she walked off as if to say, "What a dork..he actually fell for that ploy!"

Scotch took one look and hasn't wanted to come into the house since! lol!! I'm sure Palin told him all about the new puppy and how the family is all goo-goo, ga-ga over him! And yes, we are all gooshy about him. Been awhile since we've had a "baby" in the house :)

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