In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More late nite excitement....

Here are the kinds of things that happen when you stay up to 2 + 3 o'clock in the morning with 13 teenagers......
The eating of tex-mex flavored worms and crickets.... of which Katie was one of the braver of the girls and actually ate them!!
Playing "chubby bunny" with jumbo marshmallows.....(this pix is blurry as I was laughing so hard while trying to take the pix.) The object of this "game" is to put one jumbo marshmallow in your mouth at a time and say "chubby bunny" after each one. The other object is not to throw up!!!
Ron took the blue ribbon on the chubby bunny game after succesfully ramming 17 jumbo marshmallows in his mouth and saying "cubby bunny" before having to hurl them into the trash can!! We had mounds of slobbery white globs in the trash that early morning hour. :)


tanya nottage said...

well all i can say on the tex mex worm thing is
they even looked alive cos it appeared one was running away
and if that was the case thats even worse eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Stacey said...

Well I have found the next slumber party game! Thanx