In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just news

Well we made it through a week of revival. Matt and the Shrouts did a great job. It was nice sitting under Matt's preaching again. Although he did say that were I to actually be listening to him I'd be allot furthur progressed!!! :) It's so nice to have your previous pastor's vote of confindence!!!

Had to take Scotch to the vet today. He'll be staying until Thursday. Declawed and neutered is on the agenda for him. Eth wasn't at all happy to leave his buddy at a strange place. He cried when we left. He wanted to sit in the parking lot until Thursday!!! Had a struggle with explaining to him why Scotch had to stay for a couple days. Then we got home he decided that the dogs needed to go too!!!

This week is another hectic week. May is just a mess with a capital M. With graduations happening I'll be doing cakes galore. I also need to plant more of the garden, do laundry every day, etc. etc, etc. the old people say....staying extra busy keeps ya alive!!! (course it could send we younger ones to an early grave)

Reagan's team has won the three games they've played. Austin's team havn't won any. They have a great team but every one of them get stage fright as soon as they step up to the plate. They do great on the field but batting.......another story. Practice time is amazing to watch. They do a great job. Coach told them Sat. that they just needed to get it in their heads that it is no different and to come out to the game tonight with this in mind. Hopefully they win. Poor things have been going home with hanging heads and drooping shoulders!! Austin does a good job but being a perfectionist... he struggles with loss. Beats himself up over and over when he makes a mistake. We are trying to remind him that it is a game and to not think that everything is his fault!!! But how do u reckon with a perfectionist??!! Reagan's team is a bunch of hyper little things!! His coach has put him on first base and won't move him!!! Told Troll that Reag is the best first base player he's seen for a kid his age. That was neat thing to hear.

That's pretty much it on the home front. Am looking forward to June so we can sit down and breathe again. At least for a week or so until camps start in. Tolley-HO!!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Austin should just skip around like nothing happened at the end of the game like Peyton and then Troll could fume like Brian! I am so happy the kids are playing ball, hope that we'll be able to come to a game or two. Send us a schedule! Believe it or not it is almost June. When can we see you all, we miss you terribly!!!!!!!! :(