In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Golden Olden!!

Here are two pix to show u how beautiful my family was!! The first pix was at our house on the mission field in New Mexico. The second pix was just a family portrait.


Faithe said...

Brings back a flood of memories of those days when we lived in the same area...went to the same church...and spent a lot of time together. You three kiddos spent many an hour at my house with our three...what special times we had together! How time flies and things change. Now we are old and you are....well.....near middle-aged....???!!! Anyway, whatever we all are...I enjoyed the pictures and the reminders of great by-gone days! I certainly have many fond memories that I will cherish forever.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say close to what my Mom said. I have many happy memories of time spent with all of you! We always had a great time, didn't we? Seems like such a long time ago! Those pics brought back lots of memories. Thanks for sharing them!

Boog said...

I know what you mean, Faithe and Joy. I was just thinking the other day about when you guys lived in that house back close to the mountain and we'd dress up in Faithe's clothes!!! I still have the strawberry shortcake doll from the one time at your house. LOL!!! Good memories.