In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Just wanted to post on here that my big boy has turned 11 today! Wow! Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought him home from the hospital?? He such a wonderful young man. I did miss him today as I had to stay home and do things for the W.O.W meeting tonight while Troll took all the kids on adventures for about 10 hours today. But anyway, happy birthday, Austin. I'm so proud you are our son. The years are just flying by so fast. I can't even put my chin on top of his head anymore. My nose fits pretty good, though!! We love you, big guy! Hope you had a great day.

And from the other night at devotions:
Troll was doing Bible Trivia and asked this question... What do a farmer, a shepherd and a judge all have in common?? Austin raised his hand and answerd, "They all stink?" Ha, ha!!! That wasn't the answer Troll was looking for but I have laughed about it ever since. I think he had it covered.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday Handsome. We love you! So sorry we were all not able to meet on your birthday! Love, Uncle Brian, Aunt Stacey, Peyton, Kerrigan and Carson