In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Here are the latest two cakes I did. The first one got kinda top heavy and ended up squishing a bit. So the sides are not nice and straight. :( However, the young lady it was made for liked it. And as I've said before....that's all that counts. It was for her 16th bday surprise party.

This cake was made for her brother. His mom asked for something John Deere. This was what I came up with. Trust took me a few weeks to decide what I could do. I had allot of fun with this one.


Naptime Seamstress said...

You are amazing! My children are lucky to get a plain jane bundt cake. I do let them pick an icing color and sprinkle sprinkles on it! Thanks for the card! Stephen liked it too - he suggested I stop making "honey-do" lists.

Boog said...

LOL!!! I knew you'd like it!!