In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A bunch of cow...

Ya ever feel like this??? Well....this is exactly what I felt like this morning around 1:00 a.m. when I finally got to fall into bed. In fact this IS me!!! Troll took the picture right when i walked in the door. Lovely isn't it??!!

Actually....of course you know it's not me. However, this is what I felt like I was. Yesterday me and the two youngest went to a friends house to help with the cutting up and processing of mountains of fresh cow. Thanks to her three boys we whipped through the numerous mounds of hamburger in no time. And then came the steaks. All kinds of steaks: t-bones, rib eye, sirloin...etc. Then there were the unbelievably ugly steaks. The kinds that you had to shut your eyes and hack at: arm steaks (whatever in the world they are), round steaks (that the dear lady kept referring to as "flinstone steaks"AND that her dearest husband kept insisting there were only 10 of them when actually there had to be close to triple that amount and we were ready to start throwing them at him. ) and etc. By the time I left at 11:30 p.m., after being there all day, my feet felt like stakes (no pun intended) had been driven into them and that one of those banana boxes of round steaks had been attached to my back the entire day. The poor, dear lady I was helping had to been feeling quite the same and I'm sure WORSE as she is pregnant. And let me tell ya...when you see a cow tongue up close and personal like that..... there's just nothing right about it! Looked like some old woman's high top work boot in that pan boiling away. Just plumb nasty!!

Anyway.... that was what I did yesterday. It was fun (until we kept unearthing all those dumb round steaks the size of Arkansas) and I was very happy to help. I came home with two coolers and a box of meat. WOW!!! Another huge, huge, huge blessing. Our freezer is groaning and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it sitting in the basement tomorrow having succumbed to the sheer weight of things. I guess it kinda feels like a cow sat on it now!!!! Thanks, guys, so very much for the gift. We are so grateful and pray the Lord blesses you for your kindness.

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