In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 1997

The day I stood at the altar thinking I was marrying my best friend, the man I couldn't do without, the answer to every problem I might've had. Fifteen years eyes have been opened.

True, it was one of the best days of my life. However, I was wrong in my definition of what I thought my husband was. Dreadfully wrong. Now don't freak out!! Let me explain.....

I thought I was marrying my best friend...and yet, I had no idea just how close a friend he would become in 15 years. We went through some of the worst things I've ever gone through in my life; the rejection of friends, cutting words, death, financial woes, sickness of kids, surgeries, and many dark valley's of which we didn't know if we'd make it back out of them. And aside from our Lord always being there, my husband was the only one to constantly be there at my side - encouraging me, strengthening my weak self esteem, loving me when it seemed everyone else thought I was unlovable.

Fifteen years ago I thought I was marrying the man I couldn't do without. Now I KNOW I couldn't be without him. He's been my rock when I was sloughing through mud. He's been my anchor when I felt the winds were going to carry me away. He's been a lover when I hated myself. He's been a cloud that's lifted me up when I thought I'd never see the sun again. He's been my sounding board when I needed to make a decision. He's been my endless supply of tissues when it felt as if I'd drown in my tears. He's been my clown when I needed to laugh. He's been my audience when I needed someone to pay attention. He's been my greatest fan when I've decided to be silly. He's bee my follower when I've jumped out on a whim. He's been my professor when I needed answers. He's been my "maid" when I couldn't possibly move one more muscle to take care of the kids or the house. He's been my judge when I asked if I'd done the right thing. He's been my attorney when I needed someone to fight for me. He's been my pillow when I couldn't sleep. He's been my shield when I couldn't have taken one more thing. He's been my target when I needed to blow up. He's been my knight in shining armor when I needed to be carried away. He's been "that look" across the crowded room when I felt alone. He's been more than a great dad to our 5 beautiful kids. He's been my pastor when I needed sound, Biblical advice. He's been my teacher when I had no clue what I was doing. He's been my poet when all other words seemed void. He's been my doctor when I was too stubborn to take care of myself. He's been my coach when I didn't know the first thing about sports. He's been a wishing star that made my dreams come true. He's been a weeble wobble when I couldn't make up my mind. He's been a mind reader when I couldn't say a word. He's been a hero when I needed someone to look up to. He's been a guide when I couldn't find my way. He's been a comforter when dreams left me shaken. He's been more than I ever thought or imagined could possibly be in a man...a friend...a lover...a husband.

He's MY husband. He's a man God blessed ME with. He's a man I didn't deserve. But he's MY man and fifteen years later....I'd say "I do" all over again!!!

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