In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yesterday Troll and I celebrated 14 years together :) I'm so very thankful for each one of those days that filled those years and am looking forward to as many as God allows us to have together in the future.

Since Troll had off yesterday we decided we'd celebrate our anniversary, Bia's bday (which is today) and Eth's bday which is next week (since Troll won't be able to be here for either of them). We went to Lancaster to do some summer clothes shopping for the kids and were treated to supper at Shady Maple! Yummmm!!! It was a nice afternoon/eve out even though I ended up with a massive headache and was quite sick by the time we got home.

Pictures will come later. They are getting messed up in a program I don't want them to go into! Lol! Gotta love technology.

Anyway... Happy Anniversary to my wonderful hubby and happy bday to our two youngest kids! So thankful for my family. I'm such a blessed woman.

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