In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So school ended on Friday for this year. Yeah!! So glad to have everyone home. Troll endured graduation in the heat and then he and Jetta headed out to Ohio for Charlie's funeral. They will be home late tonight.

Yesterday I went to Greenwood park up past Belleville; my old stomping grounds. Some of my mom's family were getting together for a picnic. We had a great time. The kids found the creek right close to our pavilion so they spent about two hours in that. Occaisionally a couple of us threw in coins so they had to find them. I had a great time playing hillbilly horseshoes and cracking up at how some of my aunts played!! It was great fun. After that we went to the fabric store and then Kmart. Got McDonald's and got home around 6:15 p.m. We watched a movie together and then I jumped online to chat with my friend from "down undah". After three hours that went like 20 minutes I decided I'd best get to sleep. Three hours after that I finally passed out due to exhaustion!! Was awakened probably 30 minutes after that to a wet back and horrid smell. One of the dogs had decided to hose me down. I felt like skinning them. But since I didn't know which one had done it.....I couldn't. Today it looks like a dreary day so we're doing laundry and numerous piddly things. Am looking forward to seeing Troll and Jetta late tonight.

Did 3 more cakes this weekend for graduation. If I ever remember to bring my camera upstairs I'll post all the pix. Later........


Ellison Family said...

The cakes were delish. I had some at he kindergarten,sixth grade graduation. Then I had some at Ronnie's graduation party. You make a wonderful, moist, delicious, mouth-watering, tasty, moist, wonderful, delicious, wonderful cake!

Boog said...

o my word!!! thanks so much. that means allot to me. congrats to justin!!