In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Late Night Excitement!

So here is what kept us occupied for quite a long time. There were 5 bears that ventured up to our chalet tonight and we were thrilled. Unfortunately there wasn't a light and so we stole an extension cord from our room, grabbed a long lamp and hoisted it out to the deck and held it out over so we could take pix! The two bigger ones went off so I didn't get a picture of them. This is now the third day that we've been in contact with bears! It is sooooo cool!!


tanya nottage said...

Wow that is soooooooo awsome. Now i c wot u mean bout seeing up his nostrils lol. Thankyou for that, this is cool. And dont apologise for the sudden departure, there is no need afterall we were talking for all but 2 hours. This has been great being able to chat with you while u have been gone. Thankyou for taking us on ur trip away. I will talk to you later. Lots of love to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Stacey said...

I still remeber the first bear I seen in the Smokey's, it was incredible and these pictures are awesome!! Hey don't forget about Dolly and Willy!!!! lol And the Dugers!

Kara Plank said...

Wow! The kids will never forget that!!!