In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kids Kommentz

Yesterday I told the kids that they had to clean the truck out as soon as they got home from school cause I was tired of looking at the mess in there of toys, babies, trucks, etc. They came home, grabbed their bags and out they went. They worked until supper (20 min. later) and then informed me while they were eating that it was almost done. So I figured I'd just send Austin out to finish it. He came back in about 15 minutes later with a look of stupified horror written on his face. I knew immed that something had happened.

He said, "Ah, man."
I asked him what was wrong.
"I was walking back down the street with these bags and a lady walked past me. You know the baby Bia had in there? Well, right as that lady passed me that baby knocked against my leg and said 'I love you'! Ah, man, I can't believe it!!"
Troll asked him what the lady did and Austin told him she just kept walking!! LOL!! The poor guy was mortified to think that that lady might have thought he was the one that said it!!! I thought it was pretty funny and will never forget that look on his face!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny and sounds like something that would happen to Darren. Our oldest seem very much alike.