In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The bug! u can see from this has gotten interesting at our house. We dropped off our kids at the Ellison's house on Friday evening and headed to Williamsport for an evening out; something we haven't had in probably a year. We ate at Olive Garden and went to a couple stores. Then headed to our motel after deciding we were exhausted. Saturday we got up and headed back to school for the KCEA competitions that were being held there. Let me tell was really neat. Hundreds of students from all over came to compete in different things: Sacred Piano, piano duets, preaching, art, handbells, bands, etc. Troll was one judge for the preaching competitions. He started at 10:30 and judged until 3:30!!! I went to the Mt. Rd. church and listened to choirs and choral groups compete since I didn't feel like sitting in the modular building with TRoll to listen to sermons all day!! Sometime around noon I headed to the dining hall for lunch and thought I'd best call to see if the kdis were ok. Vonnie answered and informed me that Reag had been throwing up and had the squirts since the eve before. Ugghh!! I felt terrible. She didn't want to call since we'd already paid for the motel room. Bless her heart. So I headed over to their house and picked up four kids that I could stuff in the car I'd borrowed and headed home. Reag continued to be sick that eve and then woke up this morning fine. Austin got sick right before church so he, reag, ethan, bia and i stayed home. Jetta got sick this afternoon with it and Austin was a tad better. Just this evening Ethan got it. Now Bia has asked me to kiss her tummy as it's hurting. So it's hitting hard and fAST!!! So the above pix is what my life has consisted of in the last 24 hours. I'm hoping and praying that it just continues to hit fast and leave so we're all better for next wks. senior trip. Don't think mom wants to keep sick kids.

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