In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Once again...E!

I'm not sure if Ethan has been hearing allot about God in Sunday School or not. But the past few days it's been all about God. With us having to all take the kids to school it is wearing the little ones plumb out. Today E said, "Mommy, can't I please just stay here? I don't want to go." I told him that he couldn't stay here by himself. He looked at me and said, "God is with me!" I said, E, I know God is with you...He always is but that doesn't mean you can stay here by yourself. He said, "Well God IS with me and Scotch, Hannity and Palin." :-)

I did feel badly that I had to tell him he still couldn't stay by himself even while telling him that yes, God was with him. How confusing. He finally went up the steps, resigned to the fact that that was what was going to happen. Tomorrow we are going to stay up at school and going to a friends house. He is really looking forward to it. Poor Bia was so tired this morning that she kept falling asleep on the potty!! I caught her one time before she toppled right off. Only 4 more days..

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