In my fortune cookie...

Make TODAY beautiful because yesterday is already gone and tomorrow hasn't arrived yet!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday evening fun.

This evening Troll had to speak at a Sweetheart banquet. The kids were not to thrilled to learn their daddy had to leave at 4:30 in the afternoon to get there on time. I decided to get a smile on their faces and asked if they'd like to help make cookies. They quickly agreed and we soon had a sugary, doughy mess all over my just scrubbed floors!! It was worth it though. We had so much fun. I must say that it is a good thing that we aren't having company for lunch tomorrow due to the massive amounts of finger licking that occured while the Raisin Puffs were being rolled in sugar!!! I just laughed as I watched and thanked the Lord that I was able to have this chance to spend special time with all five kids at once. Granted they didn't look at all like they do when I make them alone but hey....they still taste the same and that's all that matters.

And then for an extra treat for snack for being such good workers....


The Youngs said...

Sounds and looks like you had a lot of fun baking. I always enjoy cooking and baking with my two girls. I can't imagine baking with 5 though. You are ranked high in my book for a person with lots of patience. Christine

Kara Plank said...

It's cool to see them all in the pictures helping to bake. This is what memories are made of!